Strategy Development in Executive Teams
- evolving organization in the digital era
a concrete course of action for your enterprise or project...
With the advent of the digital age, strategy development today demands a radically extended approach, in depth as well as breadth (technology) to that conventionally employed. To mention a few of the subliminal changes that call for this:
- The former employer-employee relationship, employee loyalty in exchange for job security, has all but evaporated.
- The ownership of knowledge is no longer with the company but with the employee. Employees are mobile, knowledge moves with them.
- Longevity in the employer-employee relationship is no longer determined by salary but by environmental and working conditions. Work and family life are no longer separated but increasingly integrated.
- Shareholders are gradually losing their grip on governance. This is mutating towards "stakeholders", but the grip of a multiplicity of stakeholders can be at least as strong and is more complex to manage.
This demands:
- Increasing awareness and sensitivity of the leadership to softer factors such as culture, while at the same time not eliminating hardness in holding out for performance. The capability to differentiate when to apply which elements, soft or hard, at which moment is becoming more critical, an ever finer art rather than a science.
- Continuing growth of capacity, self- and consciousness development of individual leaders. Leaders can no longer simply sit on their laurels and contract leadership programmes for their staff. They need to take part and be seen to be doing so.
- An enhanced awareness of how the relation to money affects systems and processes, along with knowledge of how to create and advance constructive changes. By constructive is meant that values and vision retain their primacy, and where this has been compromised to financial, legal (e.g. shareholding) or other considerations, which is extremely common, there is sufficient knowledge of how to reinstate the primacy.
A proposed means to respond to this evolving set of needs is "Organizational Architecture". By coining this term we’re not suggesting this is something new but want to give the function a special profile as a more-than-ever essential ingredient of today and tomorrow’s leadership. It refers to creative methodology to initiate structures and processes which enable higher intelligence to emerge.
Organizational Architecture
Organizational Architecture as a proposed consulting intervention takes the form of three two-day sessions over 6 months with an executive leadership team within a client organization. This may be with an already existing team or one specially constituted for this purpose. The decisions on constitution and timing of these sessions form part of the pre-consulting of the project.
Exceptional in this process is the inclusion of the special methodology researched and developed for over 30 years in Peter Koenig’s Money Seminars. This not only guarantees that the financial part of the strategy development is coherent with peoples’ visions and values but also uses the participants’ relationship to money to deliver key information which liberates and accelerates the deepening of the collaborative team process. As a result the initial consulting intervention can be limited and takes no longer than 6 days, with 2 single post-consulting review days or half-days in the following 12 months.
Those with a strong call to create exceptional environments for themselves and their colleagues, who see themselves as socially responsible business leaders with larger vision, and are ready in equal measure to team up with others in pioneering business solutions for humanity’s future are invited to enquire to:
peterkoenigsystem® representatives